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Bistum Tallinn/Estonia - “Archbishop Profittlich stayed until the end on the side of the Lord”

20. Dezember 2024 in English, 1 Lesermeinung
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When the news of the beatification of our Martyr bishop came, “I immediately called Bishop Jourdan and I think in that moment our hearts skipped a beat.” KATH.NET interview with Diocesan postulator Dr. Marge-Marie Paas. By Petra Lorleberg

Tallinn (kath.net/pl) “I hope that this church event, the beatification, will really touch not only Catholics, Estonian Christians, but all Estonians hearts, and give us hope and peace to our everyday life. Profittlich he did not afraid a fear. He faced to the fear and stayed always on the side of Christ who is love and our hope.” This says the diocesan postulator for the Diocese of Tallinn/Estonia, Dr. Marge-Marie Paas, in the KATH.NET interview about the news that Pope Francis has recognized Archbishop Eduard Profittlich (born 1890 in Berresdorf/Diocese Trier/Germany, died 1942 in Kirow Prison/Russia). Marge-Marie Paas is also the diocesan spokesperson for the diocese of Tallinn. The philosopher holds a doctorate.

kath.net: Dr. Marge, how did the news of the beatification reach YOU and what was your reaction?

Dr. Marge-Marie Paas: I found out the night before that Cardinal Semeraro would probably meet with the Pope. To be honest, I didn't sleep all night.

I was thinking about what the reaction would be and how I would feel if the Pope signed off on my life's work, which I had done with all my heart and in the trust of Christ.

In the morning, I already knew that the Cardinal had met with the Pope. I was excited and finally, I read the minutes, when 12 o'clock would come and the bulletino of the Holy See would be published. The same was with our Bishop Philippe Jourdan, who was waiting for when the document came, I immediately called, and talk and I think in that moment our hearts skipped a beat, and then I sent a document to Jourdan. I will never forget ever this moment and talk with Mons. Jourdan.  

I had prepared announcements, letters to the bishops, press releases in various languages before, and of course I had immediately called the Office of the President of the Republic of Estonia, so that as soon as the decision came from Rome, I would let them know. So I did not think, had no emotions and I only acted!

But then, just 45 minutes later, the bishop invited the priests of the Tallinn parish and me to drink champagne and the party started, and then a huge amount of media came, from Estonia and abroad, so that by 10 pm in the evening I was quite tired - but the feeling of thanks giving was in my heart. I feel real gratitude I can tell now, a day later.

kath.net: Are plans already underway for his solemn beatification in your diocese? Has it already been decided whether the beatification will take place in the Cathedral of St. Peter and Paul in Tallinn, where he himself was ordained as bishop?

Paas: No. We have some options and the date should be confirmed by the Dicastery. We let it know. Probably in May 2025, because it is the best time to do so in Estonia in public square.

I already know that it will be something big and historic and for thousands. Some pilgrim groups reserve time and ask also who would like to come. I really think to make some events together with Germans, because Profittlich was born in Germany! The mass should not be in Cathedral because it is so tiny, may-be the thanksgiving Mass will be in Cathedral after the beatification a day after.

kath.net: The fate of Archbishop Profittlich is certainly exemplary of what many people in Estonia went through under the communist dictatorship and of what had a massive impact on their own families and ancestors. Are these wounds still felt in Estonia today? Is it comforting for Estonians that such a high-ranking figure in the church also shared the full severity of their fate? And have prayers already been answered as a result of his intercession?

Paas: I cannot say that there is trauma, but the wounds will last in our history and human hearts. There is no single family whose relatives have not suffered in the past. It was a time in our history that we cannot take away. I am pretty young but I know my parents said how all the farms and homes were taken away and people were deported to Siberia. It was awful.

I hope that this church event, the beatification, will really touch not only Catholics, Estonian Christians, but all Estonians hearts, and give us hope and peace to our everyday life. Profittlich he did not afraid a fear. He faced to the fear and stayed always on the side of Christ who is love and our hope.

kath.net: Profittlich came from the German diocese of Trier and volunteered for missionary work in Eastern Europe in 1922 as a young Jesuit. Did the future martyr already consider at that time that his missionary work could be so dangerous? He later became very aware of it...

Paas: During the Soviet occupation period, the life of the Catholic Church in Estonia was heavily restricted. The Soviet authorities allowed two Catholic parishes to operate in Estonia, which were in Tallinn and Tartu. However, various people found a way to continue their life of faith, and the Church’s pastoral ministry did not die out completely.

I think Profittlich never thought of dangerous mission work - in the beginning when he came to Estonia, and in the 1940/1940 when was occupation period. He was Christian and in service to our Lord. I see in some testimonies what he gave in faith - always look and do the will of God, and He gives everything what you need.

kath.net: The Dicastery for the Causes of Saints writes: "From the reports of the interrogations to which he was subjected, it is clear that his faith and his attitude to human dignity and freedom are clearly in contradiction to communist ideology." Is there a message in this for us today?

Paas: There is much to learn from Archbishop Profittlich. Even today, his thoughts have a resonant, vital impact. I really like this quote from Dicastery.

I see how he was clear and concrete also in Kirov prison when the interrogation took place and he always said truth. We can imagine what took place in Soviet prison camps: first to destroy a person morally and then physically - But he stayed until the end on the side of the Lord.

We could learn from him two things by thinking what took place in Kirov: how to keep the faith, even in the most difficult situations, and secondly, how never lose hope. And the message for today from Profittlich should be faith and peace as it was his apostolic motto. Always keep hope in heart, stay in faith and work for peace.

kath.net: What is your personal connection with this new beatified person, what in his biography particularly touches you? In your own opinion, is he a "great one"?

Paas: He is a servant of God, a future blessed and may-be in future a Saint. I look at all this as the meaning of the communion of saints. And what it is, is to be in communion with Jesus Christ.

We are all called to holiness, and Profittlich is an example to us of how to be a faithful and good Christian, how to find faith for those who have not found it, and why there is a need for faith at all today.

And he is a guide on how, in the most difficult circumstances, to remain faithful and also to be kind and merciful to those who do not always want good for us.

For my part, I will do my utmost to ensure that Profittlich's spiritual legacy is better known - he was a clergyman, after all - and that his prayer practices are known - especially the Sacred Heart of Jesus - and that Archbishop Profittlich will be a patron and an example to all bishops in their holy service.

Personally, what touches me in his life, may-be his youthhood. We talk a lot about his martyrdom and suffering in Kirov, but I have been several times in Trier, Leimersdorf, Birresdorf, I have met relatives and I have heard a lot of testimonies and seen his letters and postcards to family members in Germany.

He was a very kind, open person, loved jokes, he had hobbies and he studied a lot. And even in his youthood and when he was in seminary, how he loved the Lord and devoted Him, on the same time he was very interested culture, Christian culture, literature, Jesuit history - Through him I have discovered several authors whom to investigate and read more. I think personally, it opens me to his spiritual personality and makes me a spiritual director in Heaven.

kath.net: Would you like to outline his life story for us?

Paas: Eduard Profittlich was born on September 11, 1890 in Germany, into a peasant family. He studied at the Theological Seminary in Trier. On April 11, 1913, he joined the Jesuit Order in Heerenberg. On August 27, 1922 he was ordained as priest. He received a Doctorate degree in Theology and Philosophy from Kraków University in Poland. In 1924 he was a missionary in Poland, then from 1925 in Germany, in 1927 he served in Hamburg, from 1930 in Tallinn.

In 1931, he was appointed as Apostolic Administrator of Estonia and on December 27, 1936 he was consecrated as Bishop. He remained in Tallinn after Estonia was absorbed into the USSR. He visited the German embassy three times, attempting to get permission for Catholic priests and nuns to leave Germany.

In 1941 he was arrested and sent to the prison in Kirov, in Russia and was sentenced to be shot. On February 22, 1942 he died in Kirov prison before the sentence could be carried out.

Archbishop Eduard Profittlich, S.J. was ready to accept martyrdom for the faith. In a letter to his friends and relatives on February 8, 1941 he wrote that it is normal for a priest to remain with his flock, and to accept both joys and sufferings together with his flock. He wrote how joyful it is to feel the presence of God, to whom we gave all, and he wrote that he was ready to give up to Him all his freedom and life: “So my life and my sufferings too, if it is necessary, will be the life and the sufferings for Christ.”


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 littlemore 20. Dezember 2024 

What a fire for Christ and His Church

“Profittlich wasn’t afraid. He faced fear and always remained at the side of Christ, who is love and our hope.” What a fire for Christ and His Church in Bishop Profittlich! And it continues to burn in Ms. Marge-Marie Paas, who combines high competence with love for the LORD. We can learn from the church there...


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